Tahr Foundation Annual Report 2022


Throughout the 2022-year, the NZTF’s role extended past advocacy into active management, shifting gears to become proactive rather than reactive.

To achieve sensible tahr management, the NZTF is required to work with groups or organisations that hunters may not trust or who hold opposing views. To do this, we must hold firmly to our core positions but remain flexible in the path taken to achieve our long term mission. The NZTF team has embraced this reality and through consultation and active management, endeavored to provide direct, well considered and solutions focused advice for improving tahr management. Our approach puts emphasis on achieving the goals we can collectively agree on and searching for pragmatic solutions to identified problems or any goals where there is opposition.

While we continue to fight to be allowed a sustainable tahr hunting resource, we are now facing down the barrel of a progressively reducing one, and this will begin to have an impact on hunters. The different hunting sectors will be forced to either compete or to work together. If we can achieve the latter, then we can prevent history repeating itself and secure our valued game resources for generations to come. This challenge is reflected in our focus for this year’s AGM; “improving
interorganisational cooperation and the Foundations functional capacity to enable active management of tahr for hunting and the environment.”

In the coming year we hope to see our shift from a reactive to proactive space really take hold and the activities of the NZTF grow exponentially. Our motto for the oncoming year is “Don’t just have a position, make a proposition.” Basically, if you have an opinion that something should be done or done better than we are currently managing to do, come to us with a proposal to do it or improve it. We are a small few doing a lot for the many, we are only volunteers, and we need all the help we can get.

Kaylyn Pinney, Chairperson 2021-2022